Sunday, April 26, 2020

Time to Quilt - Block 19

Here we are at Block 19 for our 'Time to Quilt' quilt. This block is a variation of Friendship Star. Are you managing to keep up with your friendships in this time of social distancing? We are all learning new ways to connect aren't we.  And projects like this one connect us to a wider world and that is a lot of fun! 

You can get the pattern on the Banyan Batiks Facebook Page.

For this block I didn't change any of the piecing - it is all Half Square Triangles. Again, I looked carefully at the areas that needed to match and determined the best way to press everything. I pressed all HSTs toward the dark fabric. Here is the back of my block..

You can see that I pressed the centre row toward the plain square in the middle. And I pressed the top and bottom row seams open. I wanted to be sure I could see the match points well. If I had pressed these seams to the outside, the match points would be hidden as I sewed the rows together.

I also realized that sewing the rows together in the normal way, from one end to the opposite end, meant I could only see one 'intersection' well since I pressed the center row toward the center. 

This picture shows what I saw when I wanted to sew that seam.

Do you see that Red Circle. It looks like 'double sewing' in that area - and that IS what I did. I sewed from each end of the seam separately towards the middle. I decided to sew from 'both ends' instead. This is something I often do when making my usual quilts. I always like to sew with the intersection visible on the 'top side' of my seam.

Here are 2 pictures that show how I sewed those seams:

The pin is the intersection I can see and
the blue marker shows where I stopped sewing the seam.

When I turn the piece over, the pin is the intersection I can see (this seam was pressed open) and
the blue marker shows where I sewed beyond the previous seam to secure the stitching.

Now for a few quilts with this block. The fabrics I used are fairly low contrast so I used a darker fabric for my quilt designs today.

Tomorrow will be Block 20 - tune to see what I come up with for that block!

And see what interesting tips Patti has for you today.

And share your blocks on facebook using these hashtags:

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