I wanted to make a small quilt with some motifs cut from a medium-scale print.
To accent the design I chose a purple and lavender stripe fabric but needed another print for the cornerstones of my design.
I had an orange fabric that would do but what I really wanted was something with orange AND purple. I decided to stamp the orange fabric to have the right colour combination.
I chose two stamps – a spiral and a triangle spiral. They are both small stamps that would be the correct size for a cornerstone square for my sashing/cornerstone arrangement. This is the triangle stamp.
I like Jacquard’s Lumiere paint. It has a bit of sparkle and I chose the Pearl Violet colour. I squeezed a small amount of paint onto a paper plate and then added a few drops of water to thin it slightly.

The easiest way to apply the paint to the stamp is with a small sponge. You can see a bit of the sparkle in the paint here.

Then dab the sponge onto the stamp, being sure that all the raised areas are evenly coated with the paint.

and the remaining small squares with the triangle spiral stamp.

I washed the paint off the stamps right after I stamped the fabric. I used soap and water and a small brush to remove all the paint.

And here is the finished quilt.

Next time you don’t have quite the right colour fabric, why not try stamping to make it just right!
Daphne, WOW! I loved the idea. You presented it very clearly. Ruby
Thank you for sharing your step by step process in this technique. I am a retired primary art teacher and I appreciated your OPEN sharing of this process with the photos. I am a member of the ink jet transfer with yahoo group and just wanted you to know I visited your blog.
Sharon Eley
Chillicothe, OH
Nice to 'meet' you Sharon. I've been playing with transfers - may blog about that later this month.
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