Thursday, April 23, 2020

Time to Quilt - Block 16

Today is Block 16 day. Are you keeping up making the blocks for your quilt? 
You can get the pattern for today's blocks on the Banyan Batiks Facebook Page.

I didn't make any changes to the block today. I just thought a bit about how I wanted to press the blocks so I would have 'good matches'. For both blocks I pressed the rows 'alternately' and then I pressed the joining seam open. 

and a few quilts with these blocks:
Straight set, alternating blocks.

Row quilt - each horizontal row has matching blocks, rotated to make the design. 
The centre section is matching blocks and the corners are the other matching blocks.
Lots of 'rotating' to get this design.

It was a lot of fun playing with ideas for these blocks. It is SO easy to try out designs in Electric Quilt software!

Tomorrow will be Block 17 and after that it will be only 1 week left to complete all the blocks.

Wonder what Patti has for us today. I love the hints and tips she has been sharing.

And share your blocks on facebook using these hashtags:

 #timetoquiltbanyan #daphnegreigdesigns #patchworkstudio #timetoquiltnorthcott #timetoquiltfigo #tapaclothfabric 

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