Friday, August 31, 2012

Flowers on Friday

Clematis Jackmanii

Clematis 'Jackmanii' is a Clematis cultivar which, when it was introduced in 1862, was the first of the modern large-flowered hybrid clematises of gardens. It is a climber with large violet-purple blooms, still among the most familiar climbers seen in gardens. It was produced from crosses made by the prominent nurseryman George Jackman (1837–1887), of Jackman & Sons, Woking, Surrey.

I'm thrilled that my Clematis is blooming - I've had it for 2 years.

First year was in the nursery pot near my front door. It got very waterlogged with our winter rains and I thought it was a goner (i.e. dead). I repotted it into a larger pot for another year (still wasn't sure where I should put it and didn't have a climbing support for it). 

Finally, this spring I bought a trellis (thanks Lindsay & Scott for the gift certificate!), planted it, breaking off a couple of tendrils by mistake, and hoped for the best. I think I'll rename it 'perseverance'

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